Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spring Break Story #1

This is one of many stories I have from working in hotels. This one happens to be from a spring break in Destin, FL a few years ago.
The hotel was full of college kids and high school kids trying to act like they were college kids. It was routine to find the hot tub filled with empty beer cans and various pieces of clothing. One morning, we found fecal matter all over the walls, floor, and ceiling of one of the breezeways. There were two of us with hands on hips and heads tilted to one side trying to figure out what the hell had happened the night before. We later found out.
One of our resourceful yet disgusting guests had taken some fresh human feces (not sure of the origin) and placed it in the dispensing area of the Coke machine. I'm sure he was giddy with anticipation about the whole thing. His victim, probably drunk, innocently placed his money in the slot, pressed the button for his choice of beverage, and listened as it fell to the door below. As he reached in, I am sure he was surprised to feel, not an icy cold can, but something soft and mushy between his fingers. I can only speculate on what was said next, but I do know that he must have slung that poop as hard as he could far and wide. Even the next morning, the odor was unrelenting.
I am still not sure what happened to the was gone.

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